Flower Background

Friday, July 29, 2011

Our First Week In Utah...

Well, we have finally settled in! And what an adventure it has started out to be...

       Day 1- We said goodbye to our Mom and Gare-Bear, and we were officially out on our own. How much trouble could we possibly get into, right? Well that's what we thought too. I bet Aunt Tammi and Uncle Glen weren't expecting us to destroy there house, on the first day no less.
       We wanted to make our room more home-like, so what's better than ordering pictures of all our friends and family? I had yet to buy my laptop (this is Elizabeth by the way...Caitlin is cutting Papa G's hair) so I needed to use their computer. I had a flash drive and I go and plug it in and the entire computer goes black.  I seriously thought I had broken their computer. Turns out every time I put my flash drive in, the computer would go completely black. Needless to say, I haven't used their computer since then.
       Then, we had a load of laundry to do. Mama T said that their washer was a high-energy one, so it can handle large loads. Caitlin and I already have a bad reputation with our Mom about overloading the washer, so what do we do? We pack it full. Their washer already shakes the entire top floor, so we thought nothing of the noise and movement we were hearing and feeling. We go to put our laundry in the dryer and the washer had moved itself halfway across the floor, almost unhooking itself. Yeah, we were pretty embarrassed having to ask Papa G to put the washer back. But hey, they said it's happened once before....
        Alright. Bed time. No more problems. Not. Caitlin was making her lunch for the next day, and keep in mind that we are still getting used to their kitchen. I start walking down the stairs and I stop because I can see Caitlin's bright red face, and she's busting up laughing. (Papa G and Mama T are in the other room) Caitlin had broken off the front of their drawer. It was super funny watching her trying to put it back on. Don't worry, Papa G came to the rescue yet again.
       We were off to a great start right? Oh, we did go see Captain America that day too, and it was really good. We would recommend it :)

       Day 2- Caitlin was off to school....she goes to school at the Paul Mitchell in Provo. I was hoping that she wouldn't get lost....we will save that for a little later....
       I was home, nothing to do, just hanging out. So, Mama T suggested that I watch a movie. Our friend Kelsie had us start watching  the Harry Potter series before we left, so I decided to continue watching with the second one. They have an awesome surround sound system here, so you can get pretty into the movie. Papa G got really into the movie. He came up for some lunch and was watching the movie from the stairs with his bag of cheetos. I can see him from the corner of my eye start to walk down the stairs. Then, the next thing I know, Papa G is face planted on the floor with his cheetos flung everywhere. I didn't want to seem mean, but it was freaking hilarious! All he says when he gets up is, "I guess I miscounted my steps. Now I have to clean up my cheetos." hahahahahahahahahahahaha. It was so funny! I wish I got it on video!
        Caitlin calls me at about three-thirty saying that she's on her way home. It should be about a 45 minute drive, but she got home around 5:15 or so. Needless to say, she was taking a "scenic route" in the mountains above Sandy trying to find her way home. Oh, and she had no gas. And she had a GPS. She would.
         On the plus side, The Eagle is a good movie. Channing Tatum....YUM. ;)
         Day 3- No school for Caitlin! It's time for an exploration day! We decided to drive down to Provo so that Caitlin could show me her school, check out BYU's campus, and of course shop at the University Mall. It really is a long drive down there! We were going to walk around the BYU campus so that I could compare to my beautiful campus (just kidding), but we didn't know where we could park without getting towed. So, we just drove around...and guess what we found?! The MTC! All the missionaries were out walking around in little groups. They were so cute! It kind of felt like a proud mama moment for us. haha. The shopping trip at the University Mall was successful too!
          Now we were on our way to Salt Lake to explore the University of Utah and get some questions answered...and boy, did we get some questions answered! We of course got lost trying to find where to park, but did find the HUGE Institute building. (NO! We're not twins! haha). Then, we were on our way to the student services building. I got sent up to talk to admissions, and what do you know? The most BEAUTIFUL, HOTTEST, GORGEOUS, (and any other flattering term) man walks over to help me. You know how in movies people begin to stutter and totally forget what they were going to say? Yeah, that was me...the babbling idiot. But man oh man, he was sooooooooooo hot! I don't think I heard half of what he said because let's just say I got lost in those beautiful blue eyes of his. hahahaha. Caitlin was standing behind me, and she was blushing just being there! We were going to take a picture of him, but that would be creepy...but probably totally worth it. Just saying. ;)
          Day 3 was....pretty much amazing. Enough said.
          Day 4- This day SUCKED. Bad. Homesickness definitely kicked in. We did find a pretty walking trail overlooking a valley though. That will be our new venting place. Enough of this day....like I said, it really sucked.
          Day 5- Today! Caitlin was rocking it at school. Enough said.
          I've been extremely bored, so what does Papa G have me do? Clean windows! He said that I'm so good I could start my own business, so if you're looking..... ;)
          Today has been better. Just relaxing.

So, now we are ready for the weekend. We are ready to meet new people, and are really hoping to have an awesome Single's Ward. We're looking forward to next weekend's YSA conference, and starting to make new friends here. That's all for tonight!
       Signing off, Caitlin and Elizabeth